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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Last updated: 20th April 2024


What is your aqeedah (belief system)?

We are Muslims. Specifically Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah.


We believe that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Prophet Muhammed may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is the last and final messenger of Allah. Our belief is based on the 6 pillars of 'eman' namely- belief in Allah, the Last Day, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and His Divine Decree. Our Islamic principles and directives are derived from the Holy Quran, the sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), the sayings and doings of the rightly-guided first three generations (the 'salaf') and the consensus of righteous Muslim scholars. We believe that the first four caliphs- Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them all) were all rightly guided.


We strive to strictly stay away from all forms of shirk (polytheism) and bida'h (innovations).


Is this website associated with any government?

No, this website is a private initiative and is not associated or funded by any government.


Who owns this website?

This website is a private initiative. If you wish to know further details, please contact us.


How can I be sure that the Islamic information provided on this website is genuine?

The Islamic content on this website (excluding the public Q&A Forum) has been reviewed and approved internally by our team before posting. The content in the Q&A forum is contributed by website users and is reviewed periodically. 


In how many languages is this website available?

This website is available in English, Urdu, Arabic, Malay, Indonesian and Bengali


Is this website generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

We strive to host authentic original content approved by humans on our website as much as possible. However there are some cases where AI generated content may get displayed.


Website content- Website content is created and approved by humans in English and Urdu. 

Machine translation is used for creating Arabic, Malay, Indonesian and Bengali pages. 


User submitted content- The posts of website users may have some AI-generated content. At this time, we allow all submitted content that complies with our content quality policies, but in the future we plan to implement human controls and classification of AI-generated content.


Why don't you provide references from the Islamic texts throughout the site?

We believe that Islamic information must be accompanied by proper references, however since we are providing a lot of information for the users in a small space to be easily read, understood and applied, we have not listed the references along each topic.


Please see our Resources section where you can find links to books, websites and videos that will provide further information on the content.


Do you provide legal or investment advice?

No, we do not.


Are you an investment company?

No. We are not an investment company and we do not manage any investments. 


Why are some user identities on your website hidden?

We allow anonymous users to have limited participation on the website. Some users may choose to hide their real identities. However, all qualified members in any domain (Islam, business etc.) will be required to reveal their identity when replying or commenting.


If you notice any inappropriate content or activity, please report using the Contact Us page.


How can I report inaccuracies on the website?

How can I provide suggestions?

How can I report inappropriate behaviour of members?

How can I contact the website Admin?

How can I get technical support for any issues related to the website?


For all these questions, please Contact Us

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